Sunday, May 8, 2011

overdue pictures

Here are some pictures I promised:

Reverse Dog bite

Kate and Eve making cookies

My birthday in April

Grammie, Eve, PaPa, and Josie

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Tonight I plan on posting some cute pictures/video, but for right now I just want to get out some details.

Two weeks ago, Grammie and PaPa came for a visit during Eve's spring break.  Eve had a blast.  A whole week of the world revolving around her - what could be better?  She really enjoyed their visit and so did we. 

The day they arrived, she developed a cold.  Stuffy and sick sounding, she got through the week with nightly decongestant, motrin, and a humidifier (incidentally, she had been off the mito cocktail for 2 weeks at that point because of a switch in formula and subsequent insurance denial of coverage...not sure if that is related).  We kept an eye on her.  Fortunately, after about 10 or 11 days, it started to improve on its own.  Usually these things end up needing some medical intervention because she can't seem to shake it.  It's now a full 2 weeks and she's just left with a cough at night.  However, I still needed to take her to the doctor last week.  She has stinky pee again.  I waited for about 2 weeks and then reluctantly took her in. Because of the two times that we asked for a urinalysis and it was negative, we're a bit gun shy.  What if we're wrong?  After a thorough airing of the pros and cons of getting a urine sample to test for a UTI (which needs to be done via catheter), we decided to do it.  And guess what....positive for e. coli.  So, Eve is now on an antibiotic and the doctor is ordering the blood test that the pediatric surgeon suggested (which will test for some enzyme or something that makes people susceptible to e.coli UTI's).  If the blood test is positive, Eve will go back on a prophylactic dose of antibiotics (like she was in GA when she had kidney reflux).  Also, she's back on the mito cocktail because the neuro and his staff worked very hard to get it covered.