Saturday, July 30, 2011

Eve and Seamus

Here is a video of the first time Eve met Seamus.  She came to the hospital room and saw me in bed with him in my arms.  Her lower lip immediately stuck out.  I'm not sure if it was because I was holding him, or if because she was nervous about the setting.  She's never been to a hospital for someone else before.  Jim took her out of her wheelchair and held her so she could meet Seamus. 
This video is from the afternoon that Seamus came home from the hospital.  She's still pretty enamored with him. 

Baby Seamus

Baby Seamus joined our family at 8:15am on Tuesday, July 26th.    He weighed 8lbs and 2oz and was 20.5 inches long.  The c-section went well and he and I are both doing well.  He's a champion eater (like his big sister was) and managed to put on 3oz in one day in the hospital (after his initial loss of a few ounces).  He is good tempered (so far) and stinking cute.  Eve is over the moon.  She seems delighted with her baby brother (so far).  We got home from the hospital last night and are tired, but adjusting.  Fortunately, my mom and dad are here for a bit to help with Eve.  Then Jim's parents will come to help.  We are so very lucky. I'll post more and better photos in time. 

The hospital provided a "celebration meal" for Jim and I.  It was so nice.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

New SWASH brace

Eve's Swash (sitting, walking, and standing hip orthosis) brace came yesterday.  She loves it and it definitely helps keep her from scissoring her legs.  But, man, it kills our backs to help her walk with it.  We bought a rolling stool, but it doesn't seem to work because the legs of the stool trip up her feet.  We'll have to figure out a better solution.  I think it's important to use though because lately, her hips seem to be bothering her.  When we lay her on her stomach on the ground, her knees sometimes turn in (and touch) and her butt raises up and she whimpers in pain.  She can't seem to maneuver out of it. 
Here's a closeup of the brace.  The rods need to be trimmed, but they keep her legs out.

All else is well.  I'm scheduled for my c-section on Tuesday morning.  I'm doing well, but very ready to not be pregnant anymore. 

Eve's birthday

Well, this post is a week late, but here are a few pictures of Eve's 6th birthday.  Thank you to all who sent Birthday wishes, cards, drawings, and gifts.

As I posted earlier, Eve lost her first tooth first thing in the morning.  The rest of the day went well.  The birthday celebration truly began at dinner.  We had Eve's favorite dinner (dumplings) and followed it with cake and presents.  We were able to skype with my nephews and niece during the singing of Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles.  We then skyped both sets of grandparents during cake and presents.  It was a nice way to celebrate when we couldn't do it in person. I still can't believe my baby is 6 years old. 
Birthday dumplings and edamame

Skyping with the kids

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eve lost her first tooth!

Eve lost her first tooth on her birthday!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby's room

Here are some photos of the baby's room.  I have just under 3 weeks until the c-section.  Since we don't know if it's a boy or a girl, I went with a simple and gender neutral theme.  I bought some fabrics and made the valence, wall art, and lamp shade.  A friend made the quilt hanging on the side of the crib.  Jim still needs to hang a mobile over the crib that another friend made.  I'm also on the search for a new rocking chair cushion. 

All else is moving along.  The wood stove will be finally installed tomorrow.  Jim spent the past week fixing the drywall and painting the wall where the pipe was installed.  Then we can clean up in the living room.  I still want him to set up a clothes line for me, and we need to install the car seat and set up the baby swing.  The doctor says I am doing very well (even though I am slowing down and getting so tired).  This baby is super active and takes my breath away at times. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

dentist and lift

The trip to the dentist was stressful.  Eve screamed bloody murder the entire time.  The dentist didn't even touch her.  The good part of the screaming is that she gave the dentist a great view of her teeth. The dentist gave us some recommendations.  We are to keep wiggling the loose baby teeth (in front of the adult teeth) and twist as we wiggle.  We have an appointment for the end of September to extract those teeth if they don't come out on their own before that.  In the meantime I need to check with the mito doc on what types of pain relief Eve can have (e.g., Novocaine, laughing gas).

The lift came on Wednesday.  It's pretty big.  I'll have to take a picture.  It's a manual lift (not electric), but I'm so glad to have it on hand.  We're going to move the stander to the basement (Eve is getting measured on Friday for her SWASH brace) and we'll put the lift in Eve's room. 

Just about 3 weeks until my c-section.  We're putting the finishing touches on the baby's room and getting the wood stove squared away.  Jim had to patch the drywall where the pipe went in and now has to prime and paint that wall.  We are hoping the guys hook up the stove at the end of this week so I can get the living room back in order.  So much to do in so little time!!