Saturday, December 31, 2011

Eve is sick

About five days ago, Eve began coming down with a cold. She developed a cough and we took her to the doctor yesterday to make sure there was nothing going on with her lungs. She sounded clear. So we've been giving her advil, decongestant, and honey for the coughs. Today has been bad. She's miserable. Her nose is running like faucet with thick snot and she's had a horrible hacking cough all day. Her appetite is totally off. She's been drinking some, but not much. We've given extra fluids through her gtube. She choked a bit while coughing after dinner and couldn't catch her breath. Scared herself and us. She has a fever of about 102, so we're going to call the doctor. She's been so healthy lately, I feel out of practice with this. I think it's going to be a rough night.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Eve's new bed

Eve got a new bed last week.  We are so very excited.  It's a Sleep Safe bed and it's wonderful.  As you can see from the pictures, the bed is higher than a normal bed with is much better for our backs when we transfer her in and out.  There are rails on both sides that run the length of the bed (unlike her previous bed that had toddler rails that were about as long as she is).  The mattress is snug against the rails, so she cannot become entrapped.  Changing the sheets is so much easier as well!

The first night Eve was in the new bed, she was a little freaked out and took a while to get to sleep.  However, since then she has had no problem!

Christmas 2011

It's been a quiet Christmas this year.  We are not traveling for once, which is a blessing.  It's just so very hard to travel with Eve.  She is at the point where her equipment needs are overwhelming.  So, the grandparents have graciously agreed to visit us instead.  Grammie and PaPa are coming this week and Oma and Pop are coming next week.  We are very excited.

Christmas morning was very nice.  Eve didn't seem to really care that much about Santa.  We are guessing that the real excitement will happen as Seamus grows older.  Eve did enjoy unwrapping her presents, but not as much as we thought.  She was a little checked out all day.  Hopefully it will be better when the grandparents are here to inject a little more excitement. 


Paul, Tossy, and Henry came for a visit on Christmas Eve.  We're so happy that they were able to swing by on their travels.  Henry has grown so much since we've last seen him (he's about 4 months older than Seamus).  Here are some shots of the boys together. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Seamus gives the scoop.

Reindog parade

Earlier in the month, we went to our town's "Reindog Parade." We dressed Josie up and marched down the center of town with every other crazy dog owner. It was chaos and lots of fun. It was hard to walk and film it, so please excuse this shaky video. I was trying not to trip on the animals. But, we saw some of Eve's friends (at the end of the video). Lots of fun!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Word to my mommy.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

4 month well visit and wheelchair

There are many things I need to write about. But, I'll start with the best: last night Seamus slept through the night! He slept from 7pm to 6:15am! What a wonderful sign of nights to come.

He had his first ear infection almost two weeks ago, but we got that taken care of ASAP. Amazing what a few doses of antibiotics can do for a kid's comfort. We also had Seamus's 4 month well visit. He's 25.5 inches long (50th) and 13lbs 7oz (10th). So, we're increasing the amount of milk in his bottles during daycare. This slight drop on his growth curve may be because he was sick two days before the well visit. Seamus has also been eating cereal and fruit/veggies twice a day now. So far, little man has had apples, peas, and bananas. He loves his food and has not turned his nose up at anything - not even his medicine. He laps that up like a little kitty and cries when it's finished.

Eve is doing well. She just had her wheelchair adjusted. The seat is wider to accommodate the growth she's had. We still need to work out the kinks (a new tray needs to be ordered, the headrest needs to be adjusted, the tilt mechanism needs to be fixed, etc.) but we're working on it. Her next appointment with the mito doc is June (we are skipping the December visit). We also have an appt with the Physiatrist in June, which is good because she has been scissoring her legs a lot. It's been hard to changer her diapers. She's also been having episodes when she gets totally freaked out in the bathtub - so scared of falling that she screams and cries. Nothing about the tub or bath chair has changed. I hug her and hold her while she's in the tub and it doesn't help. I'm not sure what's going on. There are several possibilities. She could be getting sick and her balance is off. This could be a cognitive decline. Who knows. Other than bath time (and it's not every time, btw), Eve is super happy. She loves her brother and helps put him to bed every night.