Wednesday, February 25, 2009

naughty Eve

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really lazy about it. I think partially because I've been so busy, but partially because I've been in a funk. This kind of thing hits peaks and valleys for me. Lately, I've been pretty sad about what Eve misses out on and what she ought to be able to do at her age. But....just as I get down about her atypicality, she does something very typical of her age. Eve got in trouble at school. Apparently she was touching a classmate during circle time. When the teacher redirected her ("Ah-ah. Keep your hands to yourself. J. is listening and learning."), Eve stuck out her bottom lip and started to cry. She had a little fit because she got in trouble. I love it! What a little princess. She's so darn bossy. She can dish it but she can't take it. Mostly I am happy that her teacher treats her like any other student and removed her from circle time until she could get herself together. Jim and I had a great laugh over her being naughty.

Let's see....other news. I heard from Dr. Shoffner's office. It should take another week or two until her DNA sequencing is finished and sent to his desk to be written up. So.....maybe I'll hear something by the middle of March. Ug. This is taking forever.

Here are two snapshots from this weekend. Enjoy!

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