Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AFOs and UTI

On Monday, we had our appointment with the new Prosthetics and Orthotics place. It was a great experience. The orthotist, looked at Eve's braces (which have been irritating her) and her legs and feet. He adjusted the braces to buy us some time, and is going to try to get a new set of AFO's approved by insurance (since it's only been a few months since we received her last pair). We're hoping to get a pair made by Cascade and this office does order from Cascade. I felt very much relieved that this is a much more professional and competent office.

Also, I had to take Eve to the pediatrician yesterday. She didn't sleep well Monday night, and woke up with the tell-tale stinky-pee diaper. Yup, urinary tract infection. Low grade fever by the afternoon. So, the doctor had to catheterize her for a sample, and preliminary results showed white blood cells. Final results will be in on Thursday morning. We started her on antibiotics last night.

All else is well, but having back to back days with medical appointments (with one being unexpected) reminded me of just how healthy she's been this year. This is what it was like last year. You never knew just when you'd need to see the doctor and there was an element of lack of control. So, I am so very grateful for how well she's done this year.

1 comment:

Eve said...

Sorry to hear the Eve's sick, but glad to hear about the new AFO office!