Friday, August 24, 2012


Today, Eve had her endoscopy at Baystate.  It went very smoothly.  I was amazed at how well Eve did.  She was great in the car and great at the hospital.  Have I mentioned how wonderful Prozac is?  It has changed our lives.  Eve was soooo much more relaxed and not scared.  The anesthesiologist said she did better than the 13 year old before her.    Anyhow, the results showed that there is no anatomical reason for her to stop eating (as expected).  She does have mild chronic GERD (no surprise) and her g-tube was placed in a perfect location (Also no surprise.  Go, Dr. Saripkin and Atlanta Children's Hospital!).  So, she can go back on Prilosec and we are going to look into overnight feeds using a pump.  Speaking of feeds, we are still waiting for insurance to approve the formula.  I've been paying out of pocket and it's getting old. 
still knocked out

waking up
The staff at Baystate was great.  I had them laughing in the procedure room.  They let me go in with Eve as she was put to sleep with the gas mask.  This was the only time she was upset.  She looked so pitiful and was crying underneath the mask.  But her little cries were muffled by the mask and started to get weak as she drifted off and her eyes rolled back.  I started laughing at her and apparently that is not the usual reaction of a parent.  Oh well.  It was funny (and I may have been nervous).  Later, the anesthesiologist said that it seemed as though I was seeing the big picture and she wished more parents had that attitude. 

Eve came out of anesthesia a little rough.  She had trouble clearing her airway a bit and was slow to wake up.  She also was trembling quite a bit.  She finally seemed to get it together when I put her in her wheelchair and put her on the phone with Jim.  She was an angel for the rest of the day. 

So, one procedure down, and another to go.  The next one is in Boston next month.  Eve is having full urodynamic testing done.  That one will be a big deal and Jim and I will go together. 

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