Saturday, December 22, 2012

big belly

All continues to be well.
Here are two pictures of Seamus and his gigantic Buddha belly:

I'm tempted to post a picture of me when I was pregnant side by side to see who was bigger.  I think he's carrying a banana baby.  He ate a whole banana and a whole waffle this morning. 

Last week I had to take him to the doctor because he had a fever.  The nurse had him stand on the big kid scale to get weighed.  In the exam room, I started to cry as I explained that this was the first time a child of mine ever stood up to be weighed.  It was bittersweet. 

His favorite words are: Kitty, Doggy, Katie (his daycare provider), and Daddy.  He can say Mama, but it's not in heavy rotation.  He has learned to sign "more" and "horse".  He also likes to crawl on the floor and say, "Woof.  Woof."  He loves to give hugs and will frequently run to you just to hug you.

Eve is doing well.  We are still trying to get her formula sorted out.  We switched to the elemental formula, but it didn't have fiber and it messed up her BM schedule.  So, while we are waiting for the elemental formula with fiber to be approved by insurance she is back on the old formula and her poops are back to normal.  Her pump broke this morning, but within three hours the pharmacy had a replacement delivered.  Crisis averted.

I'm wondering if Eve will lose her last tooth (the other top front) by Christmas. Then I can sing "All I want for Christmas.." to her. 


Anonymous said...

It may be weird to hear from a complete stranger, but I stumbled upon your site by accident and wanted to say you have a beautiful family. I can't believe how strong you and your family members are! Keep up the wonderful parenting job!

Sharon said...

Thank you so much, Matt. I really appreciate it.