Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Day of School!

Yesterday was the first day of school for Eve and Seamus (and me).    Eve was super excited to be back with her friends.  She had a great day and was very tired today.  I think she's missing her naps, but the busyness of school is worth it!  Her classmates seem to be very comfortable with her, and some of those that are no longer in her class are quite sad.  Fortunately, there is lunch time and recess.  I can't believe my little girl is in third grade. 

Seamus started Preschool yesterday.  He was incredibly excited.  He wore his backpack around the house for at least 10 minutes before we left.  When we got to the school, he shouted, "We made it to Pine Cobble!"  I think he charmed everyone with his exuberance and easy going personality.  He gave Jim and I a hug and kiss and didn't look back. 

Oh, and my first day back in the classroom was great, too. It's good to be around the students.  I just love school (always have) and fall is my favorite season. 


Anonymous said...

I, personally, know a 3rd grader who was over the moon to see her enter his classroom. He's like a Super Sized Seamus, so she'll continue laughing. Here's to a great year for all of you.

Sharon said...

That's just fantastic!!