Thursday, April 23, 2015

Eve is hanging in there.  Her cough is gone and she's still a little junky sounding.  She's back to not smiling as much, and she's in a lot of pain.  She's been having nightly pain episodes (and even one this morning at 5am - which NEVER happens) and can't seem to stay in her wheelchair during the day for very long at all. 
Her pediatrician has listened to her lungs and thinks they're not concerning (which is great).  We're going to step up the morphine that she gets to try to get her more comfortable.  Also, she had blood work done today.  The doctor wants to test her thyroid.  I noticed that she has lost small clumps of hair behind her ear.  The skin is smooth and the doctor confirmed it is alopecia.  This can be caused by problems with the thyroid, which her mito doc had said can be related to her mitochondrial disease. 
We continue to keep an eye on her.

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