Saturday, February 23, 2008

Potty Pooper

Well, Eve pooped on the potty. We know she's not anywhere near being potty trained (nor is it really appropriate) because she can't get herself to a potty or pull down her pants. But we've begun talking about the potty around her. She's even sat on the toilet a few times for fun. We asked her if she wanted her own potty and she said yes. So we bought one at Target this morning. After lunch, we put it in front of the TV (per the pediatrician's recommendation so she can relax) and had her sit on it. She sat there happily and after 5 minutes she took a poop in it! Of course we went nutso praising her for it and let her flush it down the toilet. Now, I think it was all a matter of timing. I knew she was brewing a poo because she had her poopy face on at target (unsuccessfully, though). But, no matter - because her first potty experience was a positive successful one. It might make it easier for her to connect what it is to be used for. Also, if we can teach her the sign for potty, she might be able to tell us when she needs to go and it just might work.


Eve said...

Wow! Congratulations! That's fantastic. What a big girl.

Anonymous said...

i heard the news already.....via the mouth of Myrtle....i was was wondering if there would be pics, i think it was a good idea not to have any!!!