Monday, July 30, 2012

1 year well visit

Seamus had his 1 year well visit today.  He's doing great.  22 1/2 pounds (65th percentile) and 30 3/4 inches long (80th percentile). 

We took away his bottles last week and he now drinks from sippy cups exclusively.  He's also drinking whole milk. Sometimes he fools around and takes big mouthfuls of milk and then lets it run out of his mouth onto his bib.  That's my cue to remove the cup.  When he's thirsty, he'll drink.  When he's not, he'll play. 

He loves finger food and feeding himself.  He continues to become more steady on his feet.  Right now both kids are playing together.  Eve is in her wheelchair touching his head and shoulders and he stands at her side, holding onto her tray.  It's sweet. 


Karen Higgins said...

So, has Eve pulled out of her little malaise - not eating and such?

Sharon said...

Nope. She's still not eating well. We're waiting for insurance approval on her formula and then we will begin feeding her via g tube. She is also waking up in pain more and more. We were at every other night, but last night was the second night in a row.