Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Eve!

Eve turned 7 yesterday. I really can't believe she's 7 years old. Here are some pictures of the very first year. It's so funny to see her change...she became more and more cherubic.

Here are some shots from our little party.  Eve didn't seem too excited. 

Neither did Josie. 
Eve finally cracked a smile when Jim brought out Elmo with his party hat on.  We then got a babysitter for Seamus and went out for Indian food (just Jim, Eve, and I).  It was great.  Eve loves this restaurant.  It's quiet, so she doesn't get startled and she really likes the food.  The manager was so great and brought her mango sorbet with a candle in it for dessert.  Here's a shot from the restaurant. 
Doesn't she look thrilled? 

All kidding aside, it's been a tough birthday.  Similar to Christmas, Eve just didn't get excited.  She's been so distant lately.  When people talk to her (e.g., on the street) she won't even look at them, much less smile.  She doesn't laugh as much as she used to.  She doesn't smile as much.  When the grandparents called on the phone, we used to be able to get her to laugh for them or at least smile at the phone.  Now she just ignores the phone. 

We've also been worried about her eating.  She's not eating very much and she's not eating well.  She is having such a hard time keeping the food in her mouth and manipulating it.  She also has a hard time swallowing.  This happens with easy to eat foods like cream of wheat.  The past two nights she hasn't even finished her pudding after dinner (and she ALWAYS finishes her pudding).  I'm going to have to call the GI doc. 


Randi said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Eve! I love her baby pictures and I always enjoy the party hat pictures on everyone too! I'll be praying that Eve's doctor's can find some manageable solutions for her eating issues. I sure do miss her smile. Hopefully you'll see it more soon.

Sharon said...

Randi, one of these days I'll need to post a collage of all the Birthday hat shots through the years. It will be so funny watching the kids grow.