Tuesday, July 24, 2012

GI update

Well, as the doctor said today: we've turned a page. 

I took Eve to the GI doc today to discuss the trouble she's been having with eating lately.  I think very few of you know just how difficult meals are for all of us.  It takes forever for Eve to eat, and much of the food just falls into her bib.  She barely drinks more than a few sips here and there and now gets most of her fluids through her g-tube.  She's lost weight since January. 

Dr. A says it's time to give her the bulk of her nutrition through her g-tube and to let her have some food for fun.  He's suggesting she get 4 bolus feeds through the tube daily and that she have about 200 calories by mouth (e.g., applesauce or pudding or whatever).  He also wants to check her out to make sure there isn't anything else going on that is treatable so he wants to schedule an endoscopy.  The endoscopy and whatever results are separate from the decision to put her on formula however. 

Although I cried in the doctor's office, it really is a relief to not torture her (or ourselves) at meals.  It's such a mixed feeling.  Relief that meals will be easier; sadness that we need to acknowledge this regression.  I've always known this was going to happen, but it seemed so far off.  Just like I know that one day she'll need a feeding pump (rather than bolus feeds), but that just seems so far off. 

I will say that when we got the g-tube 3.5 years ago we were convinced for a long time that we acted too quickly.  However, I truly believe we did the right thing.  I cannot imagine putting her through that surgery now.  I'm so glad it's in place and ready to use. 

I may have mentioned earlier, we've started looking at wheelchair vans.  Start buying lottery tickets, people!  We saw some sweet rides.  Our backs can't wait.

1 comment:

Cristy said...

We were really upset when Celia became g-tube dependent. We worried about how she would do at meals when everyone else was eating. The truth is, it was THE BEST thing for her. We didn't realize just how taxing it was for her to chew and try to swallow. She is much happier and rarely asks for bites. It was a BIG improvement for her quality of life. Hoping Eve adjusts as well!