Josie had fun paw painting with Papa.
Last Friday, we went to Atlanta for an EEG. I totally forgot my camera, and I am so bummed. I need to figure out how to get pictures from my phone onto the computer, because Eve was a sight to behold. She was totally upset, but she was never in pain. They stuck tons of electrodes on her head and in her hair. Then we tried to get her to sleep. No luck, but she did get drowsy. After that, they put a strobe light in front of her (I assume to induce a seizure). One one of the cycles of strobes, Eve opened her eyes wide (and didn't blink) and stared off to the side. I am wondering if that was a mini seizure. I didn't see any crazy waves on the monitor, but I'm not that kind of doctor. :) They said we should get results in 3-4 days.
Yesterday Eve and I went for her cardiac evaluation. She was an ANGEL. She never cried (like she did for her last EKG) and was so good and patient. I think it helped that we had a 20 minute ride to the office rather than a 90 minute one. Her little heart is perfect. They even printed an ultrasound pic for me!
All else is well. Josie is growing up. She is settling down and is really really good around Eve. I can lay Eve on the floor next to Josie and Jo will either lay down next to her or try to sit on Eve's lap! Eve loves to pet her. They are going to be very good friends. Yesterday when Tracey came over, Josie calmed down in record time and just lay next to us on the floor and happily chewed her toy.
The only thing I am currently concerned about is that Eve has been taking a really long time to eat. Her meals (which are small), take her 30-45 minutes to eat. If she has trouble getting enough nourishment through table foods, a feeding tube for supplementary nourishment might be in her future. We'll see what the Docs say at her next appts (August - pediatrician, Oct - Neuro and genetics). Oh, and yesterday she was measured at 34 inches and 27.1lbs.