Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

beach vacation

Last week we went on vacation to Ocean City, NJ with my parents, my brother, sister-in-law, and nephews and niece. It was a wonderful week. Truly restorative. It was very hard toting Eve around, and it was definitely a little emotionally hard as well (e.g., watching all the typical kids on the beach), but it was still a lot of fun. Eve loved her time at the beach.

Here is Eve with her adorable cousins. They are so sweet to her. Alex has really grown up and we had lots of fun talking with him and hanging out.

Here's Eve and Jim at the water:

One of Eve's best friends from school was also vacationing at OCNJ that week (what a coincidence!). So we met up on the boards for a surrey ride. Here is a shot of my dad, Arthur (Eve's friend), Eve and I, and Hellen (Arthur's sister). 2 laps and a lemonade. Perfect.

One night we took Eve to the amusement rides. Here's Alex on the carousel.

The park was so loud (with the rides and the pneumatic pressure sounds) that it would have caused Eve to freak out. We brought her ear protection and she did just fine. She still jumped at the blasts of air, but didn't get upset.

Train ride!

Here's a shot of my new niece, Bella. I'm going to ask Trina to send a picture she took of Eve "holding" Bella.

Eve was able to play two arcade games in her stroller. She loved it.

So, now we have about 2 weeks until school starts. Where did the summer go?????

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New ramp

Jim built a ramp for Eve's wheelchair! This is about the 4th design iteration, but it's done!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

new soft-touch tomato chair

Well, Eve's new chair arrived! It's really great. She sits in it in the morning before breakfast and watches TV. It's nice and low so she can interact with Josie (read: Josie can lick her face). Although the brown part looks like hard plastic, it's actually a soft foam that squishes when you squeeze it.

Another wonderful thing about this chair is that the foam part detaches from the base and can be used on a regular chair (we haven't tried that yet) or - even better - in her net swing!! We bought her a net swing (think of a really small hammock for your butt), but the weave of the net was getting so wide that her head would fall through! I suppose it's not surprising that we only paid 20 bucks for it. So we started using a blanket, but the top of the blanket would fall over her face. I was on a special needs parenting site, and a mom posted a picture of her child sitting in the foam liner in a net swing. Well, I stole that idea faster than you can say plagiarism. It's the perfect solution for the net swing. Eve loves it. I'll take pictures of her in the swing soon.