Thursday, September 26, 2013

Eve needs supervision

Eve needs supervision, apparently.  Tonight she didn't want to sit with us during dinner.  So Jim let her color at her easel.  He put an orange crayon in her hand and we finished dinner.  She was pretty quiet.  Now I know why....

Thank God it's non toxic. 


The other night we let Seamus play with a sticker book.  Here he is, hard at work:
 And here is the product of his work:'re supposed to put the stickers in the book,  not build a bionic sticker arm. 

Speaking of the little elf, this morning I went to get him out of bed and he was sitting up at the end of the bed reading, with no pants on and with his leather shoes on.  Because that's how you read.  I couldn't find his pj pants anywhere.  He had put them back in the drawer.
Oh, and he has twice opened his bedroom door by himself.  That was the last bastion of containment.  Oh, well.  

Accessible playground

Here are some pictures that Jim took of the playground near my parents' house.  It is truly amazing.  Eve's wheelchair can travel all along the structure.

They also have a "spray ground."  Jim took these pictures when it opened at 10am on a very overcast morning.  I had taken Seamus the afternoon before and it was packed. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dr. Updates

Eve had a followup with her GI last month.  She is 46.8 pounds and about 45 inches tall.  He is very happy with her weight and we are keeping her at her current feeding rate.  She has gained 10 pounds in the last year!  Truly amazing.  We'll replace her tube in October or November.  She also had her well visit at the pediatrician last week and no surprise, she's at about the 8th percentile for weight and less than the 5th for height.  But that's normal for her.   She got her flu shot and we went over all the meds.  All is well.  She has a tiny bit of granulation tissue at her tube site, but otherwise Eve is very stable and healthy.  She has started 2nd grade and just loves it.  She has the same teacher as last year, but a new one-on-one.  She is getting excellent care and we are so happy.  School has always been so fun for her. 

Seamus also had his well visit recently.  He is 88th percentile on height and about 55th on weight.  He had a great visit and was a very good boy.  He got his flu shot and didn't cry.  I think he was so distracted that she was handing him a band-aid that he didn't cry.  Instead, he thanked her.  It was so cute.  I'm sure the Doctor doesn't often get spontaneously thanked for a shot. 

I've started up the new school year as well.  We have a new science building at work, and my office is located there.  The moving process was a little hectic because school was started, but it's a beautiful building.  I'm very happy.  And it's wonderful to be back in the classroom.  I have a really great group of students this semester. 

Soon I will post pictures of our recent weekend trip to NJ.  One of the things we did was visit an accessible playground.  It was fantastic to be able to get Eve's chair up on the playground equipment.  We went there every day that we were in NJ.  I just have to get the pictures off of Jim's camera.