Tuesday, July 28, 2009

settling in

So, we've been busy settling in. We've got lots of our immediate projects done, and are making mental lists of future projects. Eve is settling in slowly. Poor kid, she has had to put up with being bored. We are so busy doing things for the house or details that need to be done (e.g. banking, getting new driver's licenses) that we really haven't had lots of time to just play with her. Consequently she is whiny and fussy with us. I think she also misses being around other kids. I know we miss her being around other kids. :) I called an agency that makes referrals for childcare yesterday and got 4 places to call in our town. I'll do that today after Eve's nap.

Speaking of her naps, her sleep has been totally wonky. She's either waking up super early, or super late. She's been up late each night (about 8pm instead of 7pm) and has been taking 2 1/2 hour naps. I can hear her right now whining in bed. I don't think she has fallen asleep yet and I put her down for her nap 45 minutes ago. She's still waking up every night (except for last night!!!). Ever since her g tube was put in in January, none of us have slept through the night. She usually wakes up 2-3 times before we go to bed and about 3 times during the night. It's quite frustrating. Lately, I have taken a tough love approach. I go in to make sure she hasn't pooped, or gotten tangled in her covers, and if all is well, I kiss her and just walk out - even if she is crying. I think that she has learned that if she cries, we come running. She is usually immediately quiet (or even laughs) when we enter the room. So I think she wakes up for what ever reason and just wants us there, instead of falling back to sleep on her own.
I thought it was working because last night we had a blissful night in which we never had to go in. But right now she is screaming her head off (I just went in and put her blanket back on her and she is super pissed that I walked out without getting her up). We really need to get daycare set up because if nothing else, Jim and I need a break for our own sanity.

Speaking of Jim, he got a temporary job at my college (it's a union shop and no union jobs are available to those right off the street). He's also applying for jobs at the Clark (an art museum) and Williams College.

I think the stress of the move has really gotten to me. I seem to be crying a lot lately. Yesterday, I took Eve with me to join the parish of our local church. What a nightmare. First of all, ever since Eve's g-tube was literally ripped out of her stomach without any anesthetic, she is TERRIFIED of doctors and medical settings. In fact, she screamed at the DMV and we had to tell her it was not a doctor's office. She didn't believe it and we ended up having to take turns holding her in the hallway. It's frustrating and embarrassing. We try to talk to her about where we are going and what will happen, but it doesn't seem to matter. She literally has a total meltdown. So, back to the church thing. I took her with me and the second that we sat down and the secretary's desk (which is right next to the priest's desk on the first floor of a lovely Victorian home that in no way looks institutional), she started screaming. I mean screaming. I could barely hear what anyone was asking me. It felt like it was a million degrees in that room. So what do I do? I burst into tears. It was awful. So now this really nice lady and this really nice priest are trying to comfort me (compassion always makes me cry harder, btw) and I feel like such an ass. If they only knew (I had no words to explain) that these tears were just a by-product of being totally overwhelmed with life, and not simply because she was crying at that moment in time. Eve finally calmed down to a whimper (until they tried to talk to her and it started up again), and I stopped crying as well. As I was leaving, Fr. Wayne asked if there was anything he could help me with, at which point I wanted to ask him about Anointing of the Sick and I totally started bawling again. I explained briefly about Eve's disease and it's nature and he said that we could certainly do that at anytime. I apologized for boohooing all over their office, and left. I cannot imagine what type of an impression I made. They must have immediately galvanized the prayer chain for me. Anyhow, now I am dreading church on Sunday. I have made Jim promise to make some sort of joke after church about my flooding their office or something. I think (pray) that Eve will be good in church. I am hoping the music and people to look at will help. It's experiences like this that just make me weary to the bone about our situation. It seems as though everything is a struggle with Eve lately. Ah, well. We'll get rolling on daycare and that should help. But, on the up side - an hour or so after we got home from the church the doorbell rang. An african violet and a ballon were delivered with a note welcoming us to the parish! I wonder if they do that for everyone, or if they just felt so stinking bad for me!

Oh! Eve got MAssHealth! It's healthcare coverage (free) and it will provide medicine, pay for Dr's, even diapers!!! We are being referred to a care coordinator that will help us get hooked up with all sorts of services. We want to talk about a new wheelchair for Eve that is more appropriate (maybe a stroller type that tilts). I also heard that there is a possibility of getting a personal care assistant for a few hours a week, low interest loans for making a home accessible, and much much more. Massachusetts may have lots of weird rules (we had to hire a plumber to hook up our new gas stove, Jim would need a special license to use a forklift), but so far it seems like it has really wonderful services. I'll post more as I know more. All I can say is that this took a fraction of the time that it took to get the Katie Beckett waiver in GA.

Last week my parents came for a visit. In addition to my dad helping with all things electric (and installing two ceiling fans), we found some time to explore. We drove up to the top of Mt Greylock (highest peak in the state - intersects the A-trail). It was stunning. And so close!! (We live at its base).
Here's the monument on the top:

And this is the view from one side:

Here are some fun shots that I took of (mostly) Eve.

pour some sugar on me

Eve had her first taste of Cotton candy. No surprise - she loved it! Actually, it's perfect for her because it melts in her mouth, so she really can't choke on it. I try not to think of the crap that I am allowing her to consume by eating it, and instead focus on the childhood joy that she is experiencing!!

Super Josie!

Taking a walk in town, JoJo demonstrated her super powers. She ran up this piece of building on the Williams college campus. If the leash was longer, who knows how far she would have went.

It's a bird....it's a plane....it's SUPER JO JO!!!!

Josie made a friend the week we moved in.

Good thing the glass was between them!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eve at ESP

The week before we moved, Eve's teacher took her to summer camp for the day. It's called ESP (extra special people) and Eve had a ball. She just loves Mrs. B, and getting to spend an entire day with her (one on one) was priceless. Here are pictures that Randi (Mrs. B) took and her explanations:

"This was taken during sports and games. We played with the parachute and popped the plastic balls up in the air by shaking the parachute. One landed in her lap before it was time to clean up, so I added more to her collection so that she could clean up more effectively. She doesn't look to happy in this picture, but she LOVED cleaning them up!"
"Obviously this was from Arts and Crafts. A little painting project... "

"These were from bowling. My camera is THE WORST at catching her with her eyes open, but hopefully you can tell that she's having fun!"
Here's a video that Randi took of Eve bowling. She said that Eve bowled a 74!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More birthday pictures

Here are more pictures that my mom took on her camera.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Eve's birthday

Happy birthday, Eve! Yesterday, Eve turned 4 years old! Amazing. We had a quiet birthday with Oma (my mom). Here is a picture of Eve and Jo that my mom took (again, I still need to charge my camera).

She was very happy. Yesterday was my brother's birthday, too. When we called him up we started singing "Happy Birthday." Eve was super excited and all smiles until the "dear David" part when she suddenly looked confused. I had to remind her that it was Uncle Dave's birthday, too. I think she thought we were singing to her!

We're going to explore the area this weekend. We'll look into joining the Y so that Eve can keep swimming!

Thank you all so very much for donating to Eve's kiddie pool for her positioning chair. I intend to send thank you notes to you all, but it may take a while....got to find them first! You are all so very generous, and we are very grateful. This will help her so much. We are constantly amazed by how many people care about our little sweetie. Even people we have never met! So, if you haven't left a name when donating, or we don't have your address, please know how very grateful we are for your contribution. This chair is going to make Eve's life easier and (literally) more comfortable. Thank you!

We have arrived!

Well, sorry for the web silence, but I have just now found a minute to update this blog. Last week we made the move from Georgia to Massachusetts. Whew. It was an ordeal. I don't have many pictures to post (I can't find the charger cable for my camera so I just have ones taken by my mom), but I'll fill you in on the details. Thursday (7/9) my mother-in-law, Eve and I flew up to Jersey and stayed with my parents. Jim and his dad finished loading the vehicles that day and the next morning (it took longer than anticipated). While Eve, my MIL, and I were relaxing and visiting with relatives (thanks, Lois!) Jim and his dad were driving up to MA. We had the biggest U-haul truck available towing Jim's truck. Then Jim's dad drove his truck and towed my car. Here's a picture of the truck and trailer.

It doesn't do it justice as far as how gi-huge-ic the truck was. Because it was so big, they could only drive about 50 mph. Yup. It took 23 hours straight to get to MA. No sleep. Then they unpacked the damn thing (thanks Scott and Greg for helping!). Josie rode with my FIL. She slept most of the way when the trucks were moving.
So they arrived Saturday morning, and we arrived Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, I had forgotton one (not so) small detail. Yeah, it seems that if you have oil heat, you can't assume you have an oil hot water heater. Or an electric stove. So, since we arrived on a weekend we had to wait 4 days for hot water. Oh well. We are also still without a stove, because the range that came with the house was wicked crappy. The settings had worn off the knobs, so it was too hard to figure out. When the gas guy came to turn on service, he disconnected the thing (MA law says you have to have a plumber or gas person unhook and hook up your stove). We bought a new range that will be delivered in just about a week. So we are surviving on crock pot meals, take-out, and microwave meals. The new house is great. I'll post pictures once I charge up my camera. We have made a large dent in the unpacking. There is an amazingly large basement that is holding all our (Jim's) crap. We still have things we want to do (paint, new carpet, etc), but we are on our way. We couldn't have done this without our parents. They were truly amazing. They really rolled up the old sleeves and worked hard. Thank you thank you thank you.
I sent out an email with our new numbers and addresses. If you didn't get it, just drop me a line and I'll send it to you!