Friday, September 30, 2011


Eve may have had two absence seizures today.  The following was written by her school aide in the communication book:

"On the bus ride to school, Eve was smiling but only the let side of her face was.  [The] right side completely drooped, more so than usual.  At school she had an 'episode' where I seemed to lose her.  Staring off, no blinking, unable to get her attention.  The first time lasted about 15 seconds, the second one during snack, lasted longer, about 30 seconds.  [I] called her name, gently tapping her shoulders, no blinking no response. She seemed confused immediately after, but continued on with her snack.  Very quiet, but no other episodes after that."

We have an appointment with Eve's neurologist in 2 weeks, so we'll mention this to him.  We'll see what he says.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

baptism weekend

It was so much fun getting all the kids together last weekend.  We don't get to see them very often, so it was just wonderful.  It was also cool to show my brother around the area, since this is the town that our grandmother was born in (even though she spent nearly all of her life in Philly).

Left: My grandfather in 1938   Right: the elk today 

Dave and the kids at the top of Mt. Greylock
Eve, Giovanni, Alex, and Bella
Eve and Bella laughing
Trina,  (a tired) Seamus, and Dave

Oma, (a surprised) Seamus, and Pop
This was one of approximately 300 shots.  Five moving targets - this was the best I got.

How we all felt at the end of the weekend


This past weekend, Seamus was baptized. Dave and Trina are his godparents. He wore a baptism gown that has been in my family for decades.  It was made for my father for his baptism, and just about all of us have worn it (even Eve).  Seamus was so good during the baptism.  Here are some shots from the ceremony:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Eve's 6 year well visit

Eve's eye is MUCH better. The swelling is nearly gone.

Today she had a well visit with the doctor. No biggie. She is 38 pounds and 40.5 inches tall. Still my little munchkin. Oh! And she got a flu shot and didn't cry!!! What a little toughie.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mosquito 1; Eve -1

Well, the bug bite got a little worse this morning. A lot worse, in fact.  We gave her some more antihistamine.  It looked a lot better by this afternoon.  But, here's a video of the peak of the swelling.  Poor kid!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

7 week weigh in

Seamus is 7 weeks today and 11 pounds 9 ounces.

Mosquito 1; Eve 0

Eve went for a walk yesterday afternoon and got bit by a bug. She had a few small raised bumps and her eyelid got a little swollen. It looked about the same this morning. When she got home from school it was a whole other story. After a call to the doctor and a trip to the pharmacy for antihistamine, we hope she's on the mend.  Poor kid!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

protective bubble

So I had my 6 week postpartum visit with the OBGYN this week.  I really like my doctor.  Anyhow, she asked how things were and in explaining how difficult the week was I started crying.  No surprise.  We then had this really great talk about the challenges Jim and I are facing.  We are essentially caring for two infants.  One just happens to be over 35 pounds.  The doctor said that the effect of having a second kid is not additive, but exponential.  In our case, she said it is even more so because of the needs of Eve.  I explained how I'm so very scared that Seamus won't be healthy.  She said that people live in a protective bubble in which they believe that bad things happen to other people.  However, that bubble was burst for Jim and I with Eve's disease.  So, we worry more intensely, and we will be hypersensitive to every milestone that Seamus makes.  I've been thinking about this a lot.  I think that's why I tend to focus more on the negatives when people ask us how things are going with Seamus.  I don't like to talk about the good things.  I'm so afraid that if I say it out loud, or it appears as though I am bragging, that it will be taken away from me.  I know this is irrational, but it's how I feel.  The first year of Eve's life was filled with blissful ignorance.  We thought she was going to be this superstar (and in her own way she is....just not the way we expected).  All those things we expected just never happened.  I desperately hope this time is different.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First day of school

Today was Eve's first day of school (mine, too). It was a crazy hectic morning.  Jim got Eve up and dressed before he left for work.  Seamus woke up earlier than expected and was screaming. Then I needed to feed Eve and myself and get us ready for school/work.  I also had to keep Seamus happy and get him ready for his second day of daycare.  I needed to fit in  a feeding for him before we left the house, but I had to wait until Eve's bus came first. Oh, and did I mention it was pouring rain?   It was an incredibly stressful morning. Here's a picture of the little cutie waiting for the bus.  It's not the best picture, but I didn't have time to check that I got a good shot.  She was very excited.
Seamus?  Not so much.  Here's how excited he was:
Actually, I think I was making the same face.  But, tears aside, we all made it to where we needed to be on time.  I was just totally frazzled by the experience.  One day down, an entire semester to go.

By the way, everyone is doing well at their respective location.  Eve had a great first day, I survived mine, and Seamus hasn't been too fussy at daycare.  Speaking of fussy....I need to go pick up the little man right now.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Eve farting around

Seamus' 4 week well visit

Seamus had his 4 week well visit today (even though he's 5 weeks old). He weighed in at 10lbs 14oz (65th percentile), 23 inches (87th percentile).  He's doing really well.

Here is a video of some happy time he had the other night: