Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Seamus is five weeks

Seamus is five weeks old, and this morning he gave me two big grins. Adorable. I can't wait until they become more frequent. Also, I talked to the lactation consultant today and she weighed him. 10lbs 11oz!! He's packing it on. Friday is his 1month well visit, so we'll see how long he is. He actually had a calm and happy night tonight. A blessing after many fussy evenings. He spits up a lot, and I plan to ask the doctor about that. I took a cute video that I hope to upload tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2011

cry baby

All is well in our house. Grammie and PaPa were here for a week and a half. Eve had her buddy PaPa to keep her company and swing her in the swing.

Seamus grew another half pound while they were here.  On Monday, 9/15, he weighed in at 9lbs 5 oz.  He's incredibly strong and has a terrible temper.  Actually, his temper seems to have gotten worse.  At first he had one or two fussy periods during the day, but over the last two days he has been incredibly fussy during the whole day (when he isn't sleeping or eating).  I'm hoping it's just a growing phase. Eve continues to like being around her little brother.  And her dog. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Changing of the guard

Check out the little mommy:

My parents stayed with us for just over two weeks. It was wonderful to have them. They are such a huge help. I can't lift Eve for about 6 weeks after the birth, so they cared for her while I cared for Seamus.

Now Jim's parents are here for a week and a half. They are also a huge help. Especially since yesterday was Eve's last day of summer school. We couldn't do it without them.  Here's a picture of Eve and their dog, Kirby. 
Today Seamus had his first bottle.  The lactation consultant said that the recommended first bottle is no longer given at 6 weeks, but 2-3.  Now we'll wait a few days to see if it messes with breastfeeding.  I need this kid to be able to take a bottle for when I go back to work in September.  He did a great job with the first bottle.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

10 day well visit and tooth #2

Seamus had his Dr appointment on Friday. Breastfeeding is going well. He put on over a pound since leaving the hospital. He left the hospital a week earlier weighing 7 12 and now weighs in at 8lbs 14 1/2oz. He also grew a half inch and is now 21inches long. Dr. says he is doing great.

Eve lost her second tooth after dinner on Friday (with some serious wiggle assist from me). I had wiggled it until it was hanging on by a thread and I didn't feel comfortable sending her to bed with it. So a little more effort and voila! This is especially great news because now I can cancel the dentist appointment we had for an extraction (in case the teeth did not come out on their own). I'll take a picture of her bottom teeth soon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More pictures

Seamus is a week old and we are all doing well. As you can see, Josie is extremely interested in him.
Josie is doing quite well with him, and isn't disturbed by his crying (although concerned). Eve also doesn't seem to be bothered by his crying. She's been a great big sister, and has adjusted supremely well. I have a theory on why this is. Because Eve needs constant one-on-one care (e.g, to eat, change position, to do anything), she is not feeling much of a change. The only change has been who's providing that care (Oma and Pop). I try to help Eve whenever I can, so that she is not missing me too much.

My little girl doesn't seem so little anymore!