Monday, February 17, 2014


Seamus is a total riot.  The other day, I asked him: "Did you just fart?"  He replied, "No.  Noise from my butt crack." 

Just now I told him I needed his help - we need to go to the store to get food.  He said, "No.  No store.  You big girl."  I asked him, "Oh, Mommy is a big girl, so she doesn't need your help?"  "Yeah."


Thursday, February 6, 2014

winter fun

Winter is for cuddles with best buddies.
...and kisses. 
Yesterday, the kids had a snow day from school.  I couldn't get both kids outside to play by myself, so we had to play inside all day.  Instead of a snow fort, I decided we should build a blanket fort. 
The kids loved it. 

Seamus wanted to add even more blankets.