Friday, November 30, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

As you may have guessed, things have been nice and quiet around here.  Eve is definitely on an upswing.  She's got two loose teeth that are just hanging on (at weird angles).  Incidentally, Seamus is getting two teeth in (his top two teeth - don't even get me started on how late they are!! He's 15 months!!!).  Eve is on an antispasmodal medicine to control the retching.  It's working, sort of.  She still retches here and there, but it's not nearly as bad as before.  She's doing better at school, too.

Seamus is a riot.  He's a total chunk and has no fear.  He climbs on everything and looks so proud of himself as he reaches the summit of Mount Couch.  He's been giving lots of hugs and kisses (and puckers up with little fish lips).  He keeps us laughing.

We're in a pretty good place.  We're enjoying the new van.  I'm relaxing a little bit which is really nice.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012