Monday, November 24, 2008

glamour girl

All is well in Georgia. Jim never did get sick and I got much better after Monday. I'm gathering data for our visit to the GI doc on Wednesday. I'm curious about what he'll say and what tests he might order.

At the end of this past week I was traveling for business, and spent LOTS of time in the airport. I've realized that seeing typical little kids is very difficult for me. They are so precious and I just want to hug their little bodies, but it makes me so sad because it is a huge reminder of what Eve is (and we are) missing out on. Jim said something sweet when I told him this. He said that one day we will have a typical child and then we will get to experience both - being the parents of a SN child and the parents of a typical child. I guess I'm just ready to experience what most parents do.

Recently I joined facebook (under my maiden name because I don't want students to find me). I'm not sure how I feel about it. This whole "friending" thing is weird. The reason that I bring this up is because I've had some quick messages with people I haven't seen or spoken to in 10 years and they ask me how things are. How do I answer that? You can't just come out with, "Well, I am a professor now. Oh, and my daughter is terminally ill." Yet, it's such a big part of my life, that it seems to be worth mentioning soon. I don't really know what to say. I'm thinking of just posting a picture of Eve in her wheelchair so people will know some thing's up. But, then I wonder if no one will mention anything because they're afraid to. Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 17, 2008

yuck yuck

So it turns out that I got Eve's sickness. I ended up in the ER on Saturday puking and having back pain. I was worried it was kidney involvement. They didn't find anything and said it was probably just a virus (which would account for my back ache). I rested yesterday and woke up this morning feeling like I got hit with a truck. I had to cancel classes because I was too lightheaded to walk across campus and teach. I slept on the couch with Josie until about 2pm. I still don't feel right, but I can't tell if that's because I haven't had anything decent to eat in days or what. Ug.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Eve is better

Eve's doing great. She took it easy at home on Monday and has been doing just fine since then. She has had some noxious poo the past 2 days (like PB in color and texture, but NOT in smell). I'm sure you wanted to know that.

We've been taking pictures today for this year's Xmas card. Hopefully we'll get a winner or two. :)

What's the point of insurance?

The cost of a urinary tract infection while you are at a conference in Providence, RI? $700. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Apparently my insurance won't pay if a Physician's assistant sees me in the ER. Also, there's that lovely $400 decuctible. Too bad I couldn't stand the burning pain and constant discomfort for 2 more days. WTH?

Monday, November 10, 2008


Last night I was at the University giving a review session. While I was gone, Eve threw up all over her bed. Poor Jim had to clean her and her bed up. He said she looked so miserable. She had seemed fine all day, but got really fussy around dinner time. When I left for the university, she started to cry and Jim said she was pretty crabby. She spit up a tablespoon right before bed and had a tough time going to sleep. A little while later, her little stomach emptied itself. He said he saw lots of her lunch (how long does food stay in your stomach anyhow?). I came home and helped make up the bed and get the laundry going. After some cuddle time, Eve went right to sleep and stayed asleep until 6:30am. Last night Jim felt a little ill, but we're not sure if having to smell puke and being in crisis mode set his stomach to churning. He is better today. Eve is also doing better. No fever and she is in a happy mood (laughing and playing). We are having her eat slowly and lightly, and we think it has passed. Poor kid. What worries me is that I'll be looking for a regression. It seems to be that she has noticible regressions when she gets a stomach bug. The last time she lost the ability to use a straw and lost a few words.