Sunday, February 26, 2012

February pictures

Snuggling in bed

After bath
 Seamus is 7 months old today.  I can't believe it.  He's rolling around like crazy.  Today, we went to the grocery store, and I had him in the front of the cart (in one of those cart covers) and he did very well.  He leaned a bit, but for the most part sat up on his own.  It made shopping soooo much easier.  Prior to this, I've been carrying him in the Baby Bjorn.  He continues to be a happy baby. 

This past week, my mom came to stay with us.  Eve had school vacation, but Seamus and I did not.  Eve loved having Oma all to herself during the day.  It was a wonderful week.

overdue pictures

PaPa, Eve, Grammie, and Seamus at Christmas

Wearing Eve's hat

Friday, February 3, 2012

6 month well visit for Seamus

Seamus had his 6 month well visit yesterday.  He's doing great.  He's 27.5 inches long (82nd percentile) and  16lbs10oz (30th percentile).  He's right on track with his development (e.g., he transfers objects from hand to hand) and took his shots like a champ.  No teeth yet, but he drools a bit.  He still spits up like crazy. 

I told the doctor that his appetite has backed off a bit (he doesn't always finish his food anymore), but she thinks his eating schedule is just fine.  In fact, we are now able to add certain soft table foods like yogurt and mashed potatoes.  We can also give him dissolve-able solids (like puffs).  It's just so amazing that he can already have those foods.  I suspect he'll love it.  He eyeballs our food when we eat.  He makes you feel bad, like you would if you were dining in front of a starving person......or JoJo.