Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Seamus: "I beat you by walking with my farting power!!!!"

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Happy birthday, Jim!

How are we dong?  We're hanging in there.  That's become my standard response.  But it's true.  I wouldn't say I'm good, but I'm surviving.  We have grieved for 8 years since her diagnosis, so this didn't come as a shock.  But it's hard.  I think we're functioning extremely well, all things considered.  We keep the grieving private.  This is the first birthday we celebrated in 10 years without her.  And that's tough.  I know that each holiday or event in the next year will be particularly tough as it will be the first of its kind without her.  Seamus misses her very much.  Here is an email that I got from his music teacher today.  I think it explains how he's doing very well.

I want to share with you a lovely story about Seamus that happened in Music Class yesterday. He is such a dear little boy and I am so thankful to be teaching him music again this year.  He loves to sing and learn new songs and is always full of enthusiasm!

We were discussing the Pillar of Gratitude and I asked each child to think of something they are thankful for and we began to sing a song" Thanks A Lot."  Seamus was sitting next to me and he said "I am thankful for my sister" and began to cry.  He climbed up on my lap and I hugged him and comforted him.  All the children were quiet and looking so tenderly at Seamus.  A little girl went and got him a kleenex and we sat quietly together.  We continued singing around the circle and each child shared what they are thankful for.  Three children said such loving words to Seamus:
"I am thankful for Seamus."
"I am thankful for Seamus and he is such a special friend and I love to play with him."
"I am thankful for Seamus's sister."

These three children have known Seamus for over a year and they looked at him with such love.  I told him that we all love him so much.  He dried his eyes, climbed down from my lap and walked peacefully with his friends to the bathroom to get ready for snack.

This was such a special moment and I wanted you to know how Seamus was loved by his friends and how warmly he received that love yesterday.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Aiming high

me: Seamus, what are going to be when you grow up?
Seamus: A f(mumble)er.
Me: A fighter?
Seamus: No. A farter!!!!

Son, you've gotten a very early start on that career.