Monday, April 26, 2010

new chair

Eve's new wheelchair was delivered last week. I'll post pictures soon, but if I wait to write until I have pictures, it will take forever. I wanted to jot down my thoughts first.

So, it's been a frustrating experience. It's not any one particular bump along the way, but all of them combined that have been frustrating. The whole process took 6 months because of several issues including: a letter that sat on a desk for 2 months, an insurance issue, a tech getting into an accident, and a busy DME provider. Anyhow, during those 6 months I managed to convince myself that this chair would be the answer to all our chair problems. It would be perfect - just the greatest. Needless to say, there is no perfect chair. I totally had unrealistic expectations, so I was bummed when they weren't met. The chair fits Eve very nicely, and she looks more comfortable in it. It has great features (including the ability to tilt) that will grow with her and her increased needs. However, the handles are too high for me to comfortably push (but they need to be high when the chair tilts), the footplate is not properly adjusted (it goes behind her feet), and it's a royal PIA to get in and out of the car. I have to take it apart and fold it down, and it is wicked heavy. It makes quick trips to the store out of the question. There is nothing convenient about it for us. Soooo....I spent the weekend pretty depressed about it. We didn't even use it. I sent it off to school today and got a call from the PT. She talked to me about the issues with the chair (she also thinks the tray needs to be improved). I mentioned the struggles we are having. When the DME provider dropped off the chair, she mentioned that she has had luck in getting a special needs stroller approved for families that cannot transport the wheelchair in their cars. The PT talked to her about this and Diane (DME) will be coming to school on the 12th of May to adjust the chair (the earliest she can come). She will bring a letter with her that the PT can use as a template so that insurance will cover the stroller. I am hoping she can bring some sample strollers for us to look at that morning. I am feeling much more encouraged.

Last week, Eve was casted for new AFO's. We went to the new orthotics place (which I like much better). The orthotist is sending out the molds to Cascade (a company in WA) that will make the AFOs (actually they are DAFOs). These will be like the ones she got in GA. I am very excited about that. Finally, last week the old orthotics place called to tell me that Eve' Benik wrist splints are in (5 weeks after they were supposedly ordered - should have taken 2 weeks). They wanted me to drive the 30 minutes to pick them up. I don't think so. Send them in the mail. The whole process has been 4.5 months for splints that (if they were ordered correctly) should have taken 2 weeks.

Eve is doing well. Growing like a weed. Happy. Sleeping a lot lately.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 parent IVF

I'll compose a longer post soon, but I just wanted to pop on here for a minute. I'm on my way to bed, and for some reason I just happened to turn on BBC World News America (which I never watch). They were running the following story about research on possibly preventing mitochondrial disease by doing a 3 parent IVF procedure:
Obviously, this would only prevent mito if the cause was a (non-sporadic) mtDNA mutation. It's very interesting, but I am not sure how I feel about it. I was so shocked to see a news piece about mito that I totally burst into tears. But, it's also very late and I am very tired. Off to bed...