Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Seamus: "I said you can only kiss me when I'm sad or when it's Mother's Day and you did not listen to me!"

Monday, December 28, 2015

We're hanging in there.  We had a quiet Christmas (just the three of us).  I'll post some pictures soon.  Seamus is coping pretty well.  Most of the time he's doing great, but every once in a while he gets very sad.  He's been spending much more time happy than he did right after she died.

 Just now I was typing an email response to Hospice (they had some questions) and I had tears running down my cheek.  As if he was reading my mind, Seamus woke up from his nap crying loudly.  He said he missed "Sisty" (what he's been calling her since she died) and that Sisty will be gone his whole life.  I hugged him and told him I missed her, too.  I'm wondering if it's starting to sink in that she's not coming back.  We decided to watch Peppa Pig together on the couch.  He seems calm now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015