Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pictures from Eve's school year

So tomorrow is Eve's last day of summer school. I was sitting here writing out thank you notes to the teachers, and I thought I would post some pictures from the past year of school. They sent home a CD at the end of the regular school year and I've been meaning to share. I am just so sad, because this school as been such a wonderful experience for Eve. The teachers are fabulous, and Eve just loved it. I think it was wonderful for her because not only was she interacting with other kids, but she was being instructed and challenged based on her skills and abilities. We will sorely miss OCPS and the fantastic teachers and staff.
Enjoy these pictures:

Astronaut Eve, ready for take off!

Laid back...with my mind on my money and my money on my mind.

Eve loved being pulled on this scooter board. Notice the lack of shoe. Hmmm. Must have kicked it off in her excitement!

Subtle request for pizza.

This is her best bud at school. I love this picture!!!

Could she be any cooler?

Monday, June 15, 2009

So, good news and bad news. Good news first: The buyers have scheduled an inspection for Friday. This means they are serious about this house. I feel confident enough to go and rent a moving truck. Now the plans can kick into high gear. I'm getting really excited for this move.

bad news: Even though the DNA sequencing results cam back with no mito mutations, Dr. Shoffner is strongly recommending we see a genetic counselor in case there are other mito things that didn't show up in the sequencing, so we may need to do egg donation after all. Really? You couldn't have told us to prepare for this with an appointment months ago???? What the freak? So, I spent a week trying to get a hold of Emory Genetics, and it turns out they don't have any availability before we move. Ug!!!! So, I emailed the fertility doc to see if he can recommend someone else. We'll see. Perhaps this will all be done in MA after all. We'll probably have to wait several months more than we hoped to have a kid. Crap.

I was away for the weekend for my best friend's baby shower. Tons of fun. Jim and Eve survived and had a great weekend. He told me that during breakfast on Saturday, Eve saw the phone on the table, pointed to it and said, "Ma". How cute is that?? He said it was too early to call me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

kiddie pool

I just talked to the folks at adaptive mall. They said that if you are doing the kiddie pool that you can put your own address in as shipping (as long as it matches the credit card) but that you should choose the "kiddie pool - no shipping" from the dropdown menu so that you are not charged for shipping.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

more swimming

We went back to the pool this weekend. Eve had a blast. She totally thinks that the kids splashing all around her are playing with her. If a kid comes close she opens her mouth wide and smiles at them. So cute! Anyhow, when it was time to leave we wrapped her in a towel and Jim carried her to the car. I followed with wheelchair. I didn't hear her cry. I think she got all pouty, but she must have calmed down quick because she was fine when I got to the parking lot.

We need lots of prayers. Our house is under contract, but I am seriously concerned that the buyers will flake out. There is nothing preventing them from putting in other offers and just pulling out of our contract in the next 12 days. UG. It's a buyers' market. I just want the damn thing to work out so we can make a clean break from Georgia.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How you can help Eve

Well, it's hard to believe but Eve will be 4 years old next month. Where has the time gone? Anyhow, for those of you that usually try to get Eve a birthday gift I have found something that I think will work for everyone. There is a website that sells special needs equipment. They have a new feature called "kiddie pool." Basically, I can set up a wish list for equipment for Eve (something that insurance won't cover) and friends/family can buy gift certificates that will be pooled together to buy that item. It's so hard to buy things for Eve. Everyone has been so generous in the past with toys and clothes, that we really don't need anymore of those things for her.
What we do need is a seat for her to play and eat in. We have placed on our wish list a Tiger Serval highlow seat and a tray and trunk support accessories. Insurance won't pay for a seat because they already bought the wheelchair. The wheelchair would be okay for her to eat in, but it's too low to the ground. This chair will raise up or lower down and would allow Eve to eat at the table or play close to the floor with Josie. I know it's crazy expensive, but in small amounts we will get there eventually. The link to Eve's kiddie pool page:
It will show you the equipment we are working toward and also show our progress. This is only a suggestion for you if you were planning to buy somthing for Eve. This is not a request. Thank you so much for your love and prayers!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Before I forget, I just want to document that Eve had a UTI this week. Tuesday morning, she woke up (after a night of many many wake-ups) with a stinky pee diaper. Uh-oh. So I took her to Dr. Setia. I was afraid he was going to send her for a catheterized urine sample, but he didn't. Because he knows her history of UTI's he went ahead and treated it. After a week (and as long as her diaper rash clears up) he wants us to bag her urine to get a sample. Yes. It is what it sounds like. I clean her up and tape a sterile plastic bag on her to catch her urine. Weird. Anyhow, she's been sleeping much better and the smell has gone away since starting the antibiotics.

Today I started a new workout plan using a DVD I bought on amazon. Dude. I've got jelly legs. But the funniest part was Josie jumping all over me as I did the exercises. Finally she resigned herself to the fact that I wasn't playing with her. When I would lay down on the floor to do chest flies or crunches, she would just lay next to me with her body pressed against me. Very cute. Needy, but very cute.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yesterday we went swimming at the University's outdoor pool. Eve was beyond excited. She stayed in that water until she was good and pruney. Unfortunately (but not unexpected) she had a MAJOR meltdown when it was time to leave. MAJOR. You would have thought we were ripping her arms off with the intensity of her cries. Lord. Next time we will run out of there and change her clothes at the car. Perhaps in the car so as to dampen her cries.

Other news, some people came to look at the house on Saturday...twice! I haven't heard anything from our realtor, though. Perhaps they are marinating on it. It's such a great little house. We're supposedly having an open house of sorts tomorrow for local realtors to help get the word out. Keep your fingers crossed.