Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seamus has been a real sweetheart lately.  He will still body slam you, but he also likes to give kisses and hugs.  His hugs are literal face plants on your chest, but the sentiment is there.  Kisses are adorable, but disgusting.  He puckers his lips and presses them against yours.  The problem is, you get smeared with drool.  It's worth the price. 
Giving JoJo love

Eve has found a nice comfortable resting place on the couch.  Doesn't she look comfortable?? 
We've been pretty worried about her lately.  She barely eats anymore and we're waiting for insurance to approve the formula for her gtube.  In the meantime, we've been giving her Carnation Instant Breakfast through her tube when we don't think she's eaten even close to enough (which has been 4 of the last 5 meals).  I'm going to call the GI tomorrow to ask what we should do.  I bet there is ensure or some other formula in the grocery store.  Thank God for the gtube, or this kid would be starving to death.  Literally.

Also, do you notice the small dot on the side of her right knee?  You might need to click on the picture to blow it up. That's a pressure sore.  She can't move around during the night and consequently is at risk for these sores (from legs pressing on the bed or each other).  This one showed up and has lasted a few days (it's still there, but is much better).  Since then we've been placing a folded up blanked in between her legs to prevent more.  She's been waking nearly every night (5 of the last 6) needing at least one dose of muscle relaxer because one leg or the other is jacked up and stuck.  I think Jim and I are pretty stunned by her decline.

She had a hip xray on Friday and we compared it to the xrays taken last year at Shriner's.  Now the right hip is dislocated as well as the left. It doesn't seem to be bad enough to require surgery, though.  So, we seem to have left our plateau with her health.  I just hope we land on another one.


Amanda said...

Do you guys need some peptamen jr while you're waiting for insurance approval? I could ship you a case. Just lmk.. I'm amandamama from p2p

Sharon said...

Thanks. I'll see what the doc says in the morning.
That's super kind of you.

Karen Higgins said...

Sending super strong, healthy, loving vibes Eve's way!