Saturday, December 1, 2012


I had to give Eve some morphine today.  Jim was at work and she started whining while I was feeding Seamus lunch.  I couldn't get a good answer out of her if she just didn't want to be in the kitchen She's been asking to watch TV when we eat lately.  She gags a lot while we eat.  I'm not sure if the food is making her nauseous.  Anyhow, at first I  couldn't tell if she was in pain.  She was clearly upset.  But then she started ramping up and it looked much more like her night episodes.  She started moaning.    I asked her if she needed medicine and she said yes. So I got the morphine out and she clearly didn't like the way it tasted, but in about 90 seconds she was totally relaxed and comfortable.  It was such a small dose, but it did the trick.  I put her down for her nap after that.  I checked on her to make sure her breathing was steady (it was) and she opened her eyes right away when I went in her room.  The rest of the afternoon went fine.  It was scary to have to give it to her, and it's upsetting to see her in pain.  It's been a while (maybe 7 weeks?) since she's had a pain episode, so we had  nice stretch there. 

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