Saturday, May 25, 2013

two kids, two dr visits

In the last two days, both kids have been to the pediatrician.  Yesterday, Eve went for some wound care.  Her stoma has been bleeding and she developed some granulation tissue around her tube.  Don't google that.  At least, don't use google images.  Trust me.  Anyhow, it's a red bumpy tissue that develops on a wound.  I have no idea why this many months after the tube switch it has happened, but it has.  She's been pretty sensitive of that area when we clean it for the past two weeks, so two days ago, I pulled back the plastic cover and I really looked closely.  That's when I saw this little flap of granulation tissue near the tube.  I called the GI and (long story short), he said I could go to the pediatrician.  So we went yesterday.  Dr. M poked and prodded (which made the site bleed) and eventually pulled the flap off with tweezers.  He wiped a little antibacterial ointment on and said to call if continued to bleed or was bothering her.  Well, the site looks great.  No more bleeding and much less goopy. 

Then in the middle of the night last night, Seamus woke up with croup.  Pretty scary. Not much of a cough, but really labored breathing.  Very raspy.  He wasn't sick and then all of a sudden this happened.  I took him to see Dr. A this morning and she prescribed a steroid to give him at bedtime tonight.  She said the second night can be worse than the first.  I'll also do the steamy bathroom and cool night air tricks if he wakes up again tonight.  (Although, it's been so cold we had to turn the heat back on.  I saw snow flurries in the forecast for overnight.  Crazy!)  Anyhow, Seamus seems to be doing pretty well.  He's a little cranky and his appetite is off.  His voice is totally froggy/hoarse and it's pretty cute.  The doctor said that his barking cough (which isn't often) will break up and sound more mucous-y and basically this will turn into a cold.  I asked if Eve could get it and she said that probably not the croup because she's older, but that she might get a cold from him.  I think his timing is pretty good, because we're all home for the long weekend anyhow.  He can rest at home and not infect anyone else at daycare. 

1 comment:

bben81 said...

poor kiddos! I was terrified when Darcy had the croup once...sounds so awful. Glad Eve's healing up and hope Seamus feels all better soon if he's not better yet!