Friday, August 28, 2015


Eve has continued to progress.  She had another vomiting episode on Wednesday.  She had a hospital bed delivered yesterday so we can raise and lower her upper body.  We're changing around her meds and j-tube feeding rate to try to keep her comfortable.  They are also ordering a pain pump, so she is always connected to a source of pain relief at the push of a button (in case I can't leave her side).  Yesterday, the hospice nurse informed me that we may have just days or weeks left with her.  She said that children can hold up for so long, but often have an extremely rapid decline at the end.  I think it's going to be sooner rather than later.  She had extreme pain this morning when I moved her from her bed to her chair.  I couldn't get all of her meds in her g-tube, so we paused the feeds to give her gut a break.  We're going to try again with the meds in a little bit.  The hospice nurse is going to consult with the medical director.  When I got off the phone, I checked on Eve and she had fallen asleep in her chair.  She usually doesn't take naps this early. 

We are so lucky to have such wonderfully supportive family, friends, and neighbors.  I know that you would love to help.  I promise ask for help if we need it.  If you email me and I don't reply, know that I am grateful for your support and that I read it, but I might not have the energy to respond.  I'll do my best to keep updating.  In the meantime, if you are one who prays, please pray for a quick, quiet, and comfortable death.  If you are not one who prays, please send good vibes to help us achieve that goal. 


Janet said...

sending love and wishes for peace and comfort for all of you.

Cristy said...

We are praying! I have no words.... Just lots of prayers.

Nicole Hillwig said...

Lots of love from New Jersey. We are all praying and sending good vibes

Kimmy said...

So incredibly sorry you are all going through this. Lots of prayers for comfort and peace coming your way. We are thinking about you all - Kim and Jed

Bernadette said...

Sweet Eve touches me in a very special way...
. Prayers to all 🙏🏼

Anonymous said...

Sharon: I'm so sorry to read this. I check on the blog every few months and have always been so impressed by the wonderful, humane perspective taken by you and Jim. You are obviously wonderful, caring parents. I'm glad I got to know Eve a bit when you were in Athens. She's a beautiful girl. Christopher Morphew

Unknown said...

I am wishing you peace & comfort through this very difficult time. I have followed your blog since Eve's infancy...such a remarkable little girl. Blessings to all. Sandy Eccles

Irene said...

Thoughts and prayers are heading your way from all of us.

Chris, Irene, Becky, Sarah and Christopher

Cyndi said...

Thinking of you all and hoping Eve is comfortable. Sending lots of love and hugs -Cyndi and Ron