Sunday, November 3, 2013


As you can see, Eve got a haircut.  It seems to be a once a year thing.  Basically, her hair gets too long to manage.  It gets too hard to wash in her shower chair, and it has to be braided to stay out of her mouth when she hangs her head down.   She loved the trip to the beauty salon. 

Eve was supposed to have her gj tube switched on Halloween.  The hospital called on Monday to say that they canceled our appointment.  The tube was back-ordered and there was no news, so they were canceling (and not rescheduling) the appointment.  After a minor freak out, I got more info.  The GI nurse will call the hospital early this week to find out if there is more info from the company about when the tube will be available.  She will then make a new appointment in the next few weeks.  If it is for the mic-key, great.  If the mic-key is still back-ordered, they will put in the old style.  She is due for a new tube, so we can't wait too long.  So, I chose to look on the bright side - we didn't need to rush home to trick or treat.  The irony?  It was raining on Halloween night, so we ended up staying in anyhow.  We dressed up, carved a pumpkin, and handed out candy to our ONE trick or treater.

Here are the kids costumes.  Eve was a butterfly.  Seamus was supposed to be a lumberjack, but he refused to wear the bearded hat.  This is literally the only picture I got of him in costume. 

Seamus ended up wearing a ghoul mask from the costume box.  (Look familiar, Dave????)

Jim's been working two Saturdays for every one he has off.  Yesterday was a rare treat because we all went out to do errands together and stopped to have lunch at Panera.  Seamus was sooo happy and was very very good. 
Evie looks bored, but I think she enjoyed looking at all the people.  It was a nice change of scenery. 
Today, Seamus spent a chilly morning outside with Jim helping to rake leaves.  He may not have contributed much other than silliness.  But, he had a ball. 

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