When the hospital calls the number, they can get access to more information including her current meds/dosage. We also chose the basic design, so it would be obvious in an emergency. Bonus: the bracelet comes in a pink decal!
I did a little deducing and may have figured out the source of Eve's UTI's. I've been using a diaper cream recommended by the pediatrician that has 3 ingredients I mix myself in a little Tupperware tub. Well, I had noticed (and ignored) a connection between using the diaper cream and then smelling funky pee a day or so later. I brushed it off because why would a cream make her pee smell? Her pee started smelling again and a lightbulb the size of the sun turned on in my brain. What if the tub had some contamination!! What if I changed a dirty diaper, stuck a finger in to get a glob of cream, and inadvertently contaminated the tub? So I called the pediatric surgeon to see if he still wanted to do the VCUG. He said that we should cancel it, but if she gets smelly pee/UTI again that we should schedule it again (which would indicate that the frequent UTI's weren't due to the cream, but instead might be kidney reflux). In the meantime, Eve's pediatrician put her on a course of antibiotics. So we are starting with a clean slate. I've tossed the tub of cream and will use straight Desitin from a tube if necessary.
Eve also had her 5 year well visit. She is 34.5 lbs and 39 inches tall. All is well. School is going well for both Eve and I. I have 5 classes this semester (!), so I am a busy girl. Eve has settled in quite nicely (or so it seems) in her class. She has stayed back in Pre-K this year. Her teacher is a Special Ed teacher and we thought she would really benefit from another year in that classroom, reinforcing concepts she learned last year. It's sad that most of her class from last year are in Kindergarten this year, but she will make new friends and visit with the old ones in the hallway. Not to mention, this is such a small community that we *literally* cannot go anywhere without someone saying, "There's Evie!" Usually it's kids from school (that I don't always know). I think Eve is pretty recognizable (thanks in large part to her wheelchair).
Hope you are having a nice weekend. Jim is camping with Paul, so it's just the girls here. Josie is in charge of security. She already saved me from a large spider. Right now she's dreaming of being tough.
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